Running in high heels!

Two years ago my lovely Wife bought me YakTrax for Christmas.  I love how easy they slip on, how light they are and how great they stick to ice and you do not feel like you’re going to slide on cement!

Last night I decided to go for a night run. My Wife also bought me a headlamp so I do not have another pot hole mishap in the dark.

First rule of fight club, pavement always hits harder.

First rule of fight club, pavement always hits harder.

The back of my Yaktrax have coils to help with snow, this has always worked out great but, because of the snow/rain mixture last night it was a very heavy and sticky snow. This would build up snow in the metal coils and I would literately end up with high heels.  To combat this I had to do a Jig every couple hundred feet.

I still think running in falling snow or rain is always the best time to run.  It feels so fresh and clean.

Junk Mile.


About junkmile

It was a stormy night and I just came in from thwarting another Zombie attack, they just don’t give up, oh right wrong story.
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